Gorgeous Healthy Skin - The Importance of Omega-3 April 09 2014, 0 Comments

Nordic Naturals Complete Omega 3 6 9 60s

Nothing conveys good health and vigor quite like a glowing complexion. 

Beautiful skin is often thought to be a consequence of great genes or fancy moisturisers, but the only way to achieve truly radiant skin is to nourish it from the inside out.  Part of nourishing your skin means getting the right amounts of the right fats -- no amount of lotion can correct an omega-3 deficiency.  Our skin is the barrier between our bodies and the environment.  Without sufficient omega-3s, skin becomes permeable, and therefore susceptible to invaders and infections – a dangerous dilemma for the largest organ in the body.   Omega-3s are not only beautifying, they are a necessary component of achieving and maintaining vibrant, healthy skin. 

Fat was not always considered essential nutrient that it is today– in fact, this was not discovered until 1929, after a husband and wife duo of researchers put lab rats on a completely fat-free diet.  Despite having a sufficient amount of calories and vitamins, the fat-free rats developed scaly sk

in, lost fur, grew lesions, and only three-to-four months after going fat-free, died.  After realizing the fat-free rats only responded positively to two kind of fats -- omega-3s and omega-6s – the researchers coined the term “essential fats”, and we now know these two families of fat are a critical part of any diet because they are the only fats we cannot make in our bodies.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play an essential role in the formation of cell membranes, which protect and surround every cell in the body.  Usually, cells are practically invisible – but not skin cells.  The outer epidermal cells are tightly woven together in a complex system, and play a particularly important role by holding moisture in and keeping water out.  Oil is what makes that barrier capable of keeping epidermal cell membranes soft, supple, and strong.  Without enough oil, skin cells become weak, dehydrated, and prone to wrinkles and flaking. 

Dryness is a common sign of omega-3 deficiency (especially for those with mature skin) but acne-prone skin can benefit from omega-3 fats as well.  While it may seem counter-intuitive to intentionally consume oil during oil overproduction, there is an underlying issue with acne that is common to nearly all skin complaints, from eczema rashes to pimples to wrinkles:  inflammation.
Often cited as the root cause of any disease, inflammation is indeed the culprit for most of the common and chronic health complaints.  But what causes inflammation? 

Inflammation is a complex biological reaction the body responds with whenever its immune system is challenged– for skin, it may come in the form of sunburns, splinters or bacteria – but regardless, it’s the body’s way of trying to protect itself.  The two families of essential fats are an important part of that protective response, because they are the senders of messenger molecules called “eicosanoids”, which modulate that immune response.  However, the two different families behave in two very different ways. 

Omega-3 fats start a process of mediating inflammation – sending calming, anti-inflammatory messages – while omega-6 fats send pro-inflammatory signals.  For the body’s response to be appropriate, the balance of these fats must also be appropriate.  Too much omega-6 in the cell, too many inflammatory signals – and most of us get much more omega-6 in our diets than omega-3. While some inflammation is positive (say, for fighting infection), too much inflammation is problematic.  Resolving chronic inflammation, which has been linked to rosacea, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, is one of the first steps to achieving healthy skin, and inflammation cannot be resolved without omega-3s. 

Whether your skin issue is wrinkles, redness, or something more serious, nourish your skin from the inside out with omega-3 fats, and your body will benefit in ways that are more than skin-deep as well. 

Nordic Naturals Complete Omega 3-6-9
Complete Omega-3.6.9 is a non-concentrated formula that blends EPA and DHA from cold water fish with GLA from borage oil. This omega-rich blend supports cardiovascular health, brain function, positive mood, as well as healthy joints, hair, skin, and nails.

Click here for more information